At the moment, when Poland became member of European Union, plenty of things had modify. We are have a chance to work outside our borders or often to sell our goods without any special papers.
But unluckily, Eastern Europe is filled with plenty of different articles, so it is harder to sell ours. That is why, you need to start in Russia.
The one aspect you need to remember about in here is GOST R certificate. That state is not a member of EU, and possibly will never be. And on the other hand, it’s somehow rich, and it citizens requires plenty of various goods. That is why, many of Polish businessmen are interested in cooperate with Russian customers, cause it is not so difficult as you could thing. Because GOST R is a paper which you can get very easy. Not every single product must to have it – it is required just for food and medicals. But even when you are producing some machines, you should try to have it, cause Russian buyer trust it a lot, and they won’t buy a goods without it –

You got two possible ways to get Russian GOST. First is to do it by yourself. You need to ask special commission in that country to begin testing your goods, of course anything need to be sponsored from your own wallet. It is long process, so you shoul leave it to the professionals. Cause in Poland, you’ll be able to localize plenty of firms, which are laboring in Russian GOST sector. They are aware exactly what to do, therefore entire process should be much easier. They aren’t very costly, so you may even save any money on them, cause everything will be much quicker, so you gain a lot of time – gost russian.
If you like to sell many of your goods outside our borders, you should start in Russia.
You only need to remember to get GOST R certificate, it will help you to distribute every product. To have it, you should arrange special firm, which is skilLED in this field.