A european patent is a patent granted by the European Patent Office. This is a European operation, bringing about a unique protection that brings together an assortment of international legislations.

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Źródło: http://www.flickr.com
As can be expected, good knowledge of at least one foreign language and legislation is demanded for this purpose, which is why it is helpful to work with a prominent law office operating in the intellectual property area.
A good law office implies primarily a one which employs some skillful European patent attorneys. The scope of assistance provided by such institutions incorporate: development and filing of patent documentation, utility and industrial patterns, registration of logos in Poland and elsewhere, registration of new biological varieties, patent research, representation of partakers to related courts or legislative bodies in litigations and assistance with the development of a patent strategy, handle operations to invalidate the registered patent or trademark, and issue an opinion on the practicability of such operations. European patent attorneys can also help in the technology transfer, for example in ensuring the rights of parties concerned in commercial negotiations and the preparation of technology transfer arrangements.
That makes a pretty long index of professional knowledge which infrequently is in possession of one individual. That is why whoever desires to register a European patent, in the first place should consider consulting a specialized law office.