If you are an engineer, an entrepreneur, or just an innoVATive guy, and you have a concept for a a new, brilliant technology, you presumably should first of all make sure that someone has not discovered it prior to you.

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Internet tools permit fast and effective research of selected scientific and technical information in patent databases. Anybody can utilize patent info for their individual needs.
To meet the expectations of users of patent info, patent centers and international organizations advertise through the medium of the online databases the most recent advancements in science and technology disclosed in the patent record. Patent info constituting an indispensable and specific field of scientific and technical information in a free market economy is routinely identified with the life of scientific and industrial environments. The study shows that every year, because of the absence of patent information, huge expenses are incurred for the improvement of solutions that have long been known. In practice, it often occurs that the expenses of developing a new technology will never be recompensed for many years, because in the meantime, the exclusive rights to this invention have been earned by somebody else.
That is why before starting any reasoning on a new project, it is worthy to implement a European patent search to make sure that our effort will not be useless. Furthermore, before visiting the Patent Office, you should read the application documentation of the solution, which should meet rigorously defined formal requirements.