The growth of miscellaneous commodities has played an important role currently concerning providing the entrepreneurs as well as clients growing opportunities towards fulfilling their demands. It is connected with the fact that, owing to the fact that for instance Internet as well as TV has been developed, we may get to know quicker about diverse products that can awake our interest.

This is one of the most meaningful benefits of the progress in the topic of marketing, which is at present a more and more modern topic that many people, who have their own enterprise, are unable to imagine their functioning without. However, this topic despite the fact that it has positive aspects, it is also thought to be pretty controversial. It is implied by the fact that in majority of cases experts in the above presented field are people, who have broad knowledge in the topic of sociology and psychology and know how to manipulate others.
As a result, we are recommended to not forget that development of the Internet and TV – which are the two most meaningful marketing channels currently, is not only a source of opportunities, but also it is to some extent connected with threats. This proves that we are recommended to have some distance to the content of various advertisements and campaigns as well as be able to be ready to check on our own whether the content reflects the reality inter alia by comparing opinions of diverse customers. Owing to such an attitude we are substantially more likely to spend our money more responsibly and avoid situations in which we would be easily manipulated.
To sum up, our attitude towards marketing is advised to be really balanced. It is indicated by the fact that sometimes owing to it we are able to learn about new commodities, but on the other hand, if we don’t have our own opinion and treat the ads as something that is an only solid source of information concerning a product, we can end up with losing our money on product that wouldn’t be able to support us in any area as well as offer us satisfaction from having and using it.