Exporting products of your business can be extremely beneficial. In fact, looking for new markets is crucial in order to make business instantly grow and be even more favourable.

For many businesses, Russian market is just great. In fact, it is one of the biggest market in the whole world. Consequently there are many clients who may be interested in buying your products. Nonetheless, it is relevant to note that Russia is not a member of the European Union. Because of this, Russia does not belong to the common EU market. In practice this means, that you have to obtain specific papers as well as certification in order to make your firm eligible to export goods to the Russian market. More specifically, such certificate is calLED gost Russia. This certificate can be either obligatory or voluntary. It depends on what kind of products your firm will export to the Russian market – Russia gost.
What is the main purpose of this certification? It was developed by the Russian government in case to protect its customers’ rights. In practise this means that all imported goods and goods have high quality. Because of this certification, Russia makes sure, that law quality goods are not imported to Russia. What’s more, if you look for a Russian partner, it would be impossible to find it without having gost certification. The reason for it is relatively simple – Russian companies cannot cooperate with foreign companies who do not have this certificate – .
It all might sound a bit consufing, but do not worry.
In fact, there are a lot of companies who specialize in helping obtaining all needed documents for certification. If you make a decision to use services of one of them, the whole process will be extremely easy and quick.