Within last 10 years most of Polish investors begin to cooperate with concerns from Western Europe, thanks to our membership in EU. They were offering goods in there for much lower costs, creating foreign agencies on Polish area.
But now it is occasion for them to move on East, basically to Russia. But before You begin don’t forget about formalities.

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Each businessmen who wish to sell products in this country and gain a success need to get GOST certification. It’s special sort of paper which You will get after many of tests. Russian state is taking care of the citizens, that is why firms without attestation aren’t very popular. Foods and drugs must to get it, however in case of different categories it’s up to distributor. But unfortunately no Russian person would buy anything without special label.
When You wish to obtain GOST certification You need to hire dedicated company, cause it’s a lot of work. In our country many of agencies are offering services this kind, they’ve a lot of skills. Because of that You would get Your certification several times quicker, and if You like to earn huge success time is very essential. To find company this kind You only have to use browser, any of them have official website with prizes. Compare couple of them and select the best one. Before You hire them remember to look for opinion of recent clients, it could be really helpful, mostly to avoid unreliable people.

Źródło: http://www.flickr.com
Russia is very attractive area for Polish investors right now.
Market in there is developing, citizens becoming richer and are buying much more things. So obtain GOST certification quick and begin to offer Your goods in Eastern sector.