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To construction time unfortunately we should add transit time. Shipping need one month, by train it is 20. Smaller pieces we can send by airplane, but then we need to end the production process on our own. But especially things like lifting equipment can’t be transported many kilometers with profitable price. So what with polish companies? We have few enterprices which deal with this. In Gliwice and Katowice we can contact with many business with many machines for our warehouse. Hoist, cranes – all what we need. It is just one issue – not all are enough modern. Sure it is depend on advance standard of our firm but when we want to use fresh devices from more developed areas we can don’t find what we need.
Likely in Warsaw – few enterprices can transfer needed equipment or we can take it in the lease. It’s good option because warehouse can be transported or upgraded again without selling supplies but just with changing it. Business which can help us frequently are placed in central Poland because asks for that supplies are from whole country.