Both my boyfriend and I are crazy about cycling. It is our beloved hobby. Always when we have a free time, we take our bikes and start a ride to a forest or nearby mountains. I have to to admit that this is quite a demanding activity, especially if you do it in such demanding environment as already mentioned forest and mountains. It takes much sweat and tears but at the end, this gives a great satisfaction. This activity also triggers a big dose of endorphins. You can come home extremely exhausted, but at the same time – immensely happy. I think this is the reason why I have been doing that for almost 15 years now – cycling could give a real happiness. It also allows your body to stay healthy. As you can notice – cycling has many benefits.
Definitely, I haven’t mentioned all of them, but I am positive that you are aware of them. I like bikes so much that I travel by bike to work and to meet my friends. I go by bike even for a beer My bike is my good friend. I love him and I would not be an exaggeration if I write that bike is an important part of my personality. Thus, I am a big fan of custom bicycles. Just imagine that you can design your own bike. As a result of that, your favourite bike could reflect your personality. I even did it with my husband’s bike – I decided to custom single speed bikes. As a result of that, we both have bikes that are not standard. And we can identify with them and sport way of life even more.

In conclusion, I would obviously recommend cycling to everybody. This is a great sport. You can be healthy, but also slim and sexy. And if you will be as lucky as I was, you could even meet your new partner while cycling in mountains. More and more people are starting to cycling. It becomes certainly popular. Why don’t you try that too? At the beginning you don’t even need to buy your own bike. It wold be enough to rent a bike. Afterward, when you see if this is a good sport for you, you could buy your own bike. There are plenty various types. Some of them are teribbly costly but other types are quite affordable. You may easily check prices on the internet.
There are also a lot of shops that sell solely bikes. People that are employees there would definitely help you to choose the most suitable bike for you. Nonetheless, as I already mentioned, at the beginning this would be perfectly enough to rent a bike. Nevertheless, I am positive that you are going to fall in love with this sport and buy your own bike for regular training! When you already have your bike, you can make it to be 1 of these custom bicycles. As a result of this your bike will look exactly as you want it to look.