Right now in almost whole world, there is far more companies then it use to be. Really often, two brands familiar to us, are really elements of one, larger corporation. When we are individual, who has shop with plenty of products from many categories, we have to collaborate with a lot of suppliers.

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But there’s an alternative that we can use to cut many of costs.

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Direct Store Delivery is a option which is becoming really common in Poland About Direct Store Delivery. Cause in former times, most of executive of retail stores, use to purchasing every products required at the wholesale stores, where plenty of different labels were gathered. Now this tendency is smaller, thanks to DSD. It’s really simple procedure, witch help us to cut costs and earn a lot of time. Cause in place of visiting wholesale, we are inscribing a contract with current producers, which is delivering goods to us from now on. Thanks to that, we do not have to pay to distributors.

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Of course, Direct Store Delivery is dedicated to bigger retail stores, cause small ventures can’t afford contracts like that. For such owners, still centralized distribution would be the best decision Because of the reality, that a lot of formerly separated labels are under one name nowadays, each system is using in different situations . For example, if smaller brand got contract with retail store for delivery of products, it doesn’t modify it after merger with bigger firm. The more various products we want to sell in own store, the more lucrative will be then Direct Store Delivery option.
When we’re a retail shop’s director, we have 2 different methods to get our supplies.
DSD is dedicated for big, mostly corporate shops, with plenty of items needed. On the other hand, executive of tiny, family venture, will be more happy with conventional option of centralized distribution.